Monday, April 29, 2013

Wordle: The Scream

Rule of Thirds

The Rule of thirds is like a guideline that breaks up the photo into thirds horizontally, and vertically. It makes it so its in 9 parts. Below is a picture of what the rule of thirds looks like on you camera.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Filter Gallery

This is my original picture:
And this is the same picture, but filtered. I filtered this photo by putting in a halftone pattern and turning the contrast up all the way.

This is the original picture but filtered. I took this one and  i added glowing edges. And then I messed with the smoothness to make the edges glow more.

Pop Art Critique

I am looking at Hannah Buzzell's picture. I like how different the colors are in each separate picture. It makes it pop more. I think that they could of made the cat and the background different color and it would of made it pop more. But i like it.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pop Art

     Pop Art is is basically art that has been influenced and invented with popular culture and media in mind. I like Pop Art because it shows how far that art of come over the years. It also shows how our media and pop culture influence people and everything around us.