Friday, May 10, 2013

Photo Montage

This Photo is about me. I am a senior at EHS and am graduation in 24 days and counting. I put together pictures of graduation and friends, and how the journey is. Because High school is a LONG journey .

Friday, May 3, 2013

Snail Wordle

Annie Leibotviz Wordle


To make an i phrase we started with a photo of someone doing a certain pose. Then we outlined the person and copy and pasted it into a new layer. We deleted the background layer. Next we made a blank layer and then outlined the pixels around the person and then clicked into the blank layer and colored it black. Now you have your silhouette. To make one object stick out you need to click into the layer that isnt blacked. You select the pixels that you want in color. Next you copy and paste it into a new layer and make the layer on top. I did that with all of these pictures and i even turned one of the objects gray by coloring it white instead of black then messing with the transparency.

Below is my iphrase and the separate pictures.