Wednesday, June 5, 2013


A PSA is a Public Service Announcement. I didn't really learn anything new about the topic, but it is mostly because i Created a complete 5 minute PSA my freshman year of highschool so i already knew all about them. I love how my PSA turned out. I think that it really evokes emotion from the person that looks at it. The most difficult part of the project was to decide whether or not to add or change something. I really wanted others to like it.  I feel like i really learned a lot in this class and that it really benefited me. I love the skills that i have learned in this class and will definitely use them in the future. Here is my PSA(the background is white so it looks like there is no background):

Monday, June 3, 2013


For my final project i am doing a public service announcement. For this project i am doing animal abuse. I want it to stop. So i am going to make a poster with blood on it and a saying like "stop animal abuse." And i will put a picture of a sad looking animal in one corner.


This is an example of Textography that i did. I chose a dove as my subject because i like the idea of peace in the world. A dove represent that idea very well. I chose specific words for this peace. I used a lot of different ones like Dove,Peace,World Peace,harmony, etc. Now that im done i really like this project but in he middle i really didn't like it. It is a long process and takes a long time but your results are worth it.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Photo Montage

This Photo is about me. I am a senior at EHS and am graduation in 24 days and counting. I put together pictures of graduation and friends, and how the journey is. Because High school is a LONG journey .

Friday, May 3, 2013

Snail Wordle

Annie Leibotviz Wordle


To make an i phrase we started with a photo of someone doing a certain pose. Then we outlined the person and copy and pasted it into a new layer. We deleted the background layer. Next we made a blank layer and then outlined the pixels around the person and then clicked into the blank layer and colored it black. Now you have your silhouette. To make one object stick out you need to click into the layer that isnt blacked. You select the pixels that you want in color. Next you copy and paste it into a new layer and make the layer on top. I did that with all of these pictures and i even turned one of the objects gray by coloring it white instead of black then messing with the transparency.

Below is my iphrase and the separate pictures.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wordle: The Scream

Rule of Thirds

The Rule of thirds is like a guideline that breaks up the photo into thirds horizontally, and vertically. It makes it so its in 9 parts. Below is a picture of what the rule of thirds looks like on you camera.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Filter Gallery

This is my original picture:
And this is the same picture, but filtered. I filtered this photo by putting in a halftone pattern and turning the contrast up all the way.

This is the original picture but filtered. I took this one and  i added glowing edges. And then I messed with the smoothness to make the edges glow more.

Pop Art Critique

I am looking at Hannah Buzzell's picture. I like how different the colors are in each separate picture. It makes it pop more. I think that they could of made the cat and the background different color and it would of made it pop more. But i like it.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pop Art

     Pop Art is is basically art that has been influenced and invented with popular culture and media in mind. I like Pop Art because it shows how far that art of come over the years. It also shows how our media and pop culture influence people and everything around us.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Concentration

My Concentration will be Natural Beauty. I want to show the beauty of the world that people take for granted. I'm going to show nature, and people in my photographs.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Depth Of Field

Depth of Field is an aperture setting on an digital camera.  It is the distance between the farthest, and nearest subject that appear sharp in a photo. You use Shallow depth to take portraits, because it makes the person sharp and the background blurry. You use High depth to take a picture of anything that is far away, because it makes the subject sharp.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Answers to "The Photographers" movie Questions

1.) yes, because many people don't believe anything you say until they believe it with their own eyes.

2.) getting sick, assistants that don't show up, malaria, breaking your back, being robbed.

3.) The elephants were trying to strike him. So he took a picture than ran. I think that I would of run and not even gotten the picture.

4.) One that's clear, and sharp. The composition is good. One that says something and is packaged well.

5.) I took away that you can show anything in a human face. You can provoke emotions, and how you can relate to them.

6.) I do agree with how many shoots get chosen and i  understand why. My favorite cover is the one with the girl from Afghanistan in red cloth.

7.) You can make people feel emotion, by capturing an emotion or a subject doing something that provokes emotion in the picture.

9.) With photos you can make a difference in the sunjects life. You can show them something in them that they have never seen before like their beauty. You can also make a difference in others by showing them how beautiful like is.

10.) I learned to evoke emotion through the subject in your picture, and that once you take the picture, even if you don't like it then, it could be really emotional if you look at it later.