Friday, March 22, 2013

Answers to "The Photographers" movie Questions

1.) yes, because many people don't believe anything you say until they believe it with their own eyes.

2.) getting sick, assistants that don't show up, malaria, breaking your back, being robbed.

3.) The elephants were trying to strike him. So he took a picture than ran. I think that I would of run and not even gotten the picture.

4.) One that's clear, and sharp. The composition is good. One that says something and is packaged well.

5.) I took away that you can show anything in a human face. You can provoke emotions, and how you can relate to them.

6.) I do agree with how many shoots get chosen and i  understand why. My favorite cover is the one with the girl from Afghanistan in red cloth.

7.) You can make people feel emotion, by capturing an emotion or a subject doing something that provokes emotion in the picture.

9.) With photos you can make a difference in the sunjects life. You can show them something in them that they have never seen before like their beauty. You can also make a difference in others by showing them how beautiful like is.

10.) I learned to evoke emotion through the subject in your picture, and that once you take the picture, even if you don't like it then, it could be really emotional if you look at it later.

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